Thursday, December 26, 2013

No Matter What They Tell You, Never ASSUME! (5/21/14)

    So, they say if you can handle homeschooling in New York State that you can homeschool anywhere because supposedly NYS has some of the toughest regulations for homeschooling. That may be true, but I am starting to wonder about my school district.
    As my previous posts state we decided to homeschool for the last quarter of kindergarten. This decision was made after a lot of research and reading the state regs, (no less than 100 times) to make sure I had the concept of what was expected and legally how it went.  So before his last intended day of public school I had my Letter Of Intent  written and sent in with when I planned on starting homeschooling and what his last day of public school was, (along with what school he had been attending, what grade and who his teacher was.)  According to state regs they have 10 business days to reply with your IHIP  paper work, (basically an account of what you are teaching, what you are using to teach, your goals for each subject, the grade and when you will be submitting your quarterly reports and any standardized tests/evaluations.)  I had my IHIPS  within 3-4 days.
    I sit down to fill them out and I notice that everything referes to 1st-6th grade. There is nothing that relates to kindergarten. So I place a call to the assistant superintendent (her name and title were on all the paperwork I received,) and I get through. I explain my reasoning for the call. I am told that the reason that nothing pertains to kindergarten is because kindergarten is not required in NYS and technically I do not have to fill out the paperwork if I chose not to, but if I chose to they would definitely be looked at and responded to.
    Well, my son is doing the work, we are putting the time into completing the work and the grade, I want it to show somewhere that he has completed it. So of course I am opting to fill out the paperwork. Not only does it show that he's completed it, it also gives me the opportunity to get used to the system and doing them right.
    I complete the paperwork and send them back in with a cover letter stating that as discussed via the phone I was opting to file the paperwork and would like to be notified as to it's approval/disapproval.
    Now, again, according to state regs, once you send in your IHIPS  they have 10 business days from receiving them to send a reply. A couple weeks go by, no correspondence. Last week I call the school in attempt to talk to the assistant superintendent again. This time she was unavailable, so I took my chances asking for the superintendent. I was actually put through to her. I explain my reason for my call and before concluding the call I throw out the general question of  'if these papers are not filed I'm assuming he won't get 'credit' for completing the grade (understood it is not required.')
    I have to admit I was a bit dumbfounded to hear the superintendent say she knew nothing about homeschooling. Now I understand relegating. I understand one person can not deal with and know everything in any given position, but I did not expect that answer. She did reassure me that she would discuss it with the assistant and they would give me a call back with the answers to my questions.
    About another week goes by with no answer back. I call the school today and get the assistant super once more and I explain that I have not received a response and yes I understand it is not required but I do want it in his records he has completed this course of learning. My answer: they don't send out responses quarterly. Ahhhh...but this is my initial IHIPS. I reiterate that (my understanding of) the state regs states an IHIP plan is to be approved/disapproved within 10 business days. I am told that yes, they were looked at and approved and that his 'files' (if you can call them that,) will reflect that he is being home taught for kindergarten. I am then told: If you don't hear back from us on something like this it is safe to assume that everything was ok'd.
    I don't assume. I don't have that much faith in anyone. I further the conversation by asking if when I send out my IHIPS for first grade, (seeing as how it is required) will I receive a reply either way. My answer: I don't remember- that (being the beginning of the school year) was 9 months ago. But if I feel that I don't have needed paperwork I can always call and talk to her and she will get me what I needed.
    Call ends. I go back to preparing the day's lessons for my son. Five/ten minutes later the phone rings with a call from the school. I answer. It's the secretary (at least I think that's who she was) stating that Mrs assistant super was discussing with her the reason for my call and that she (the secretary, apparently) did indeed send out an approval letter for my IHIPS (more than 2 weeks ago). Did I not receive them? Ma'am, I have not received anything since I returned the paperwork. Well, you still live at: ***********?  AND THERE'S THE PROBLEM! They were sent to an address with a vaguely similar road name, however, not my address. She states that they were not sent back, to which I can only say the wonderful people at that address (if that rd # exists) probably just threw them out instead of taking the time to put them back in the mailbox.
    AND HERE'S THE POINT OF MY STORY: DO NOT ASSUME!  If my son was in a required grade, and there had been problems with my paperwork to the point I needed to make changes to be in compliance with the regs, and I never received that paperwork (because it was sent to the wrong address, or lost in the mail,) and I assumed that everything was OK because I didn't receive anything stating a difference, I'd be (no other way to put it) screwed. I would be held accountable, possibly in neglect educationally because I assumed. So don't. Make sure you have all your paperwork, all replies, all checks and balances even if you have to make a nuisance of yourself doing it.

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